Our Purpose
As smaller communities and rural regions recognize the importance of immigration to population growth, economic stability and social wellbeing, they are including newcomer needs in municipal and organization plans.
Our region has a long history of immigration. As we continue to welcome new neighbours from around the world, our purpose is to ensure our communities are places where new locals can succeed and feel included and community members have opportunities to meet and learn about one another.
DAWCC is a local immigration partnership (known as a LIP,) an initiative developed and funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC.)
Service Area
We are located on Treaty 2 Territory and the traditional homeland of the Métis people.
City of Dauphin
Rural Municipality of Dauphin
Municipality of Ethelbert
Municipality of Gilbert Plains
Grandview Municipality
Rural Municipality of Lakeshore
Mossey River Municipality
Municipality of Ste. Rose
History of Newcomer Services in Dauphin & Area
A newcomer settlement office opens to serve Dauphin & Area.
The Dauphin settlement office is awarded provincial funding. Settlement services are now available to all newcomers, regardless of immigration status.
A Local Immigration Partnership (LIP) Feasibility Study is completed which indicates a need for and local interest in a regional LIP.
The Dauphin settlement office joins Regional Connections Immigrant Services, a multi-site, multi-region rural settlement provider. Clients, staff and the region now have access to a wider range of programs, resources and expertise.
Late 2020
IRCC provides funding to launch a regional LIP. Dauphin & Area Welcoming Communities Coalition (DAWCC) begins.